Our Impact
We serve as a nimble partner helping to deliver results for Communities of Color, designed by Communities of Color.

Our Unique Model and Approach
Since we have a pulse on the systems-level, community, and individual needs of children, youth, and families, we understand the universal challenges that exist for youth and families nationwide and the on-the-ground realities of the work. It’s this perspective that positions us as a critical voice in local and national policy and decision-making.
Our Investment in Outcomes
As an intermediary, we do not directly provide programs or services, but we secure the investment needed and then distribute culturally-specific resources to organizations and individuals from the community to directly serve children, youth, and families. By ensuring that funds yield specific outcomes, we can secure future investments.

The Power of Community Voice
By empowering community residents to select and implement evidence- based programs, residents have a direct say in desired behavioral health outcomes. And we raise the funding to deliver those outcomes to help children, youth, and families.
These are programs designed, developed, and disseminated by People of Color for Communities of Color.
Impact in Action
As a direct result of community residents having an active voice in program implementation, children, youth, and families are leading happier and healthier lives and achieving social and emotional well-being and long-term success. Not only that, but public systems are beginning to change how they work to better serve and meet the needs of Communities of Color.

We cannot achieve these outcomes alone and we ask that you consider investing in outcomes alongside us so that more children, youth, and families can thrive.
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